Useful Tips

Useful Tips

Useful tips for good health and outlook

Have strong will power and determination

Develop Concentration by staying away from bad thoughts

Always have positive attitude

Avoid Sexual contact before Marriage

In case of Sexual Contact apart from your spouse, use proper contraceptives.

Avoid Mastuburation

Milk should be taken after the act of sex rather than before it.

Attempt of sexual act should be done at least after two hours of meals.

Never hide any sexual problem.

Wake up early

Exercise should be a part of your daily routine preferably in the morning.

Avoid spicy and oily food

Drink plenty of water

Eat green & nutritious food like pulses, milk products, Fruits etc.

Take meal upto your digestive capacity

Massage your hair twice a week with ordinary massage oil.

Avoid using excessive use of soap and shampoo

Use separate comb and keep in neat and clean by washing it with hot water once a week.

Try to avoid tension, it effects the body & nerves system

Have a disciplined life